2019 Women’s Conference
Concept: Growing in the Dark
Everyone has a purpose, whether you’re clear about what it is or not. We all have a goal or dream we want to accomplish. But the road to your vision is not always clear, nor straight. How do we navigate the dark places?
Topic 1: Chosen
Whether you are planning an event or how to make a piece of jewelry, there is always process before we see the end result. A picture of a huge tree was hung on the wall. We are all like trees, planted to fulfill a purpose - whether for food, shelter, shade or beauty. Each purpose is as varied as the types of trees there are. This segment dealt with the fact that it is God’s plan for us to be trees of righteousness. But every tree starts with a seed…
Topic 2: Planted, not Buried
The conversation started with personal stories of low points on the way to hosting the Conference and it was likened to a seed underground. Although planting and burying begins the same way, the end expectation is different. An in depth look was given at the seed underground and the possible feelings associated with the process of growing. We are all seeds planted, that will become like the tree posted on the wall, if we don’t give up in the process. The key to survival is to remember the tree you dream of becoming.
Topic 3: Growth
Crushed brown paper bags were thrown out into the crowd. The first lady to catch one was asked to come up front. Before the bag was opened – the ladies were promised that they were not empty – we discussed how the bag looked. “Old, discarded, worn, having nothing to offer” were phrases thrown about. Then the lady was asked to tear it open. A beautiful, soft, crumpled scarf flowed out of the bag. The idea conveyed was to never decide on the value of something (or someone!) by first appearances. True value does not always appear at first, but most times is hidden. As time progresses, the true beauty will be visible to all.
Before we stand tall as a tree, we will go through dark places – it is part of the growth process. Stay the course until you break out from the ground.